Friday, May 27, 2011

Jess resume

Jessica I. Gomez

1521 N Highland Ave
 Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 993-1700

 I would be a great addition to your company because I am natural leader, I have effective communication skills, and enjoy providing assistance for those in need.

Hollywood H.S graduate (June 21, 2011)
Cal State Dominguez Hills (September 2011)
-Criminal Justice

(Summer Job) Challenger’s boys and girls club
(Volunteer) Feminist Majority Foundation (433 South Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212)
Explorer’s program (77th police department)
Leadership Member (Lou Dantzler Charter H.S)                    
Hood Games Art club member (Central H.S #9 “vapa”)
Beach cleanup (Venice beach)
Aids Walk (2010)

Varsity softball (Hollywood H.S)
All Star softball Game (June 1, 2011)


Man's world

Letter of Intent

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp

I am Human. I realize that I live in a world that is dominated by men. I, who may be just as intelligent and capable as any other man, will be discriminated against.  I am not a teen willing to accept a role pre-determined for me by society, but instead someone striving to prove otherwise. By otherwise I mean a person willing to take obligations that challenge my abilities in order to reach my full potential. I choose to be a feminist not only because I am a women myself but because I aspire to be a good role model to my younger siblings. There is surely some else bond to have the same aspirations and goals as I, but I believe I have a distinctive set of qualities that allow me to prosper, that is my passion to excel. These are not my dreams, but in fact hopes and aspirations, wishes and joys, A hope for all humanity. A dream that one day we will all live in acceptance. Integration is key to a successful environment. The day when we begin to accept each other and our differences is the day the world will achieve its greatest accomplishments. Diversity creates more than just a wide range of knowledge; it creates a wide range of perspectives. I was raised by a single mother, with my dad in and out of my life. At a young age I became an independent lady. I was forced to grow up fast and took mother like and father like responsibilities. Today I am thankful for the struggles and pains for they have helped me become a strong individual. I believe my past is a significant contribution to my purpose in life. I see myself as a leader and a person in authority. I present myself as someone who is driven to break any existing boundaries set against women to get closer to a world that no longer discriminates. Dreams were meant for dreaming. I’m a person who likes to take action. Will you “Dare to Dream Dare to make a difference”.

Life's true meaning

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp
                                                                        Life’s True Meaning

            In the United States, American citizens are expected to live a life consumed by obligations, schedules, and routines. In the book “Into the Wild” by John Krakauer, the main character Christopher McCandless refused to conform to these ideals. As a result McCandless “hitchhiked to Alaska…gave $25,000 in saving to charity…abandoned most of his possessions…and burned all the cash on his wallet.” This was the start of his new journey.
            McCandless set out to Alaska to devote himself to the absolute beauty of nature. He believed life had more to offer, more than materialistic things such as fancy cars, woman, and money. McCandless was a Romantic, a person who admired and worshiped nature. He believed the greatest blessings were not appreciated. Therefore, he left everything behind to explore and cherish the beauty of life founded in nature. McCandless went into the wilderness “not to escape but to find reality.” However, others like Shawn Carlarman believed McCandless “had no business going to Alaska with his silliness” but in fact McCandless was at peace. He went “into the wild” with hardly anything but the vulnerability of his freewill.
McCandless was in search of serenity, a sense of absolute freedom. He states “how I feed myself is none the governments business. Fuck their stupid rules.” This shows that McCandless had no desire in being controlled. He wanted freedom in every sense of the word. He believed nature was a spiritual and therapeutic retreat that allowed individuals to connect with their soul and true identity. By true identity, I mean, a persons characteristics, thoughts, and dreams, not a person’s background, name, or accomplishments.
McCandless found the idea of contributing to societies corruption and evil repulsive. He believed a person’s value is not measured by their success but by their noble intentions. He states “It is the experiences, the memories, and the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extend in with real meaning is found” This shows McCandless state of mind and his thoughts based on what he considers to be significant in a person’s existence. McCandless encourage people to chase their dreams and follow their calling. He attempted to convince the world that we must bless ourselves and not give in to the government’s manipulation and deception. Many people, like Shawn Carlarman may believe “McCandless made a lot of mistakes based on this arrogance” but in fact he was Courageous. Brave to stand by his ideas and go to Alaska on his own.
Giving yourself to something absolute, trusting your ideas, and following your dreams is a conscious decision that an abounding number of people have difficulty achieving. Christopher McCandless should be honored for his drive and determination, for he was rare and courageous; a man that understood the true meaning of being alive; a man who lived and died by his ideals.

Eating responsibly

Jessica Gomez
Expo Comp
Eating responsibly

                Our nation has expanded in the production of fast food and processed food. Today according to Michael Pollan “our entire food supply has undergone a process of “cornification””. This means that most of your byproducts contain corn. Although corn has it nutrients, too much can lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes. But because almost all of byproducts contain corn it impossible to maintain a healthy diet. Wendell Berry would disagree. He states “eating is an agricultural act” Berry believes we can eat healthy if we follow his list of seven tips.
 Berry’s tips consist of participating in food production, preparing your food, learn the origins of the food you buy, when possible, deal directly with a local farmer, and learn as much as you can of the economy and technology of industrial food production. He includes that we must also learn what is involved in the best farming and gardening and observe plus experience life’s histories of food. However, following these tips do not necessary mean that we improve our eating habits or eat responsibly. It simply helps us be aware of the junk we consume. Knowing how or where food comes does not mean we can change the way our food is processed.
Berry adds “For vegetables grown in huge monocultures are dependent on toxic chemicals-just as animals in close confinement are dependent on antibiotics and other drugs.” Acknowledging that our foods may be contaminated Berry insist that there is yet a way to eat responsibly. Does he mean to not eat at all? Sure, I can take extreme measures and learn the origin of my product, but knowing the source does not mean I can change the quality of my food.
There is a high demand for corn around the world because it’s cheap. “Taxpayers will pay farmers $4 billion a year to grow ever more corn” according to Pollan. Due to the industrial food economy that is more concerned with volume and price, consuming products have become a matter of “Eat at your own risk”. However, other‘s may believe that there are organic or natural products still available that will not damage or harm your body. This may be true, the question is: how much are you willing to spend on healthier food? Or do you have time to prepare a healthy meal?
 Discovering the origin of food does not mean we can eat responsibly. It means we are responsible for what we eat. Therefore, it is important to modify eating habits and rely on the purist substance, water.

Fast food

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp                                                                                                                                         
Fast-food parents

                In the article “The Battle against Fast Food Begins in the Home” by Daniel Weintraub, He believes parents are responsible for teaching kids healthy eating and exercising habits.  Are you a victim of fast food consumption? Weintraub’s theory is correct because teenagers have filed lawsuits blaming Mc Donald’s for their health problems, a public group asked the governor to declare childhood obesity a state of emergency and therefore parents are to blame for allowing children to eat unhealthy foods.
For example the article reminds us that parents can get arrested for leaving a loaded weapon near children. Furthermore, this example indicates that parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s safety, which also correlates with the safety of children’s health. Daniel Weintraub tells us that teenagers need to stop “increasingly blaming the fast food industry”. This shows that parents have failed to educate teens about healthy food choices and proves that’s parents are not taking responsibility for their duties. Parents should consider health education an important value.
            Teenagers are suing Mc Donald’s for their health problems; this is because teens believe Mc Donald’s is the cause of their health issues. Not recognizing that the parents are at fault for failing to inform them of fast food information from the start. Teenagers are filing lawsuit’s because the conceive Mc Donald’s to be the source of their health issues. For example because food is available, it does not make it good for you. Similarly, in Weintraub’s words “the availability of junk food on campus, advertising of junk food to children and their families “is large and makes it easy for children to make unhealthy decisions. Meaning we are surrounded by unhealthy foods that is not within our control. Yet, we still have the power to make the healthiest decision and ensure our teens do the same. This means it effective for parents to provide their children with healthy food information but most importantly set the example.
Due to the increase of child obesity a public organization in California asked the governor to declare childhood obesity a state of emergency. This law was made to ensure school water fountains existed and functioned. For example, with dysfunctional water fountains children do not have a reliable pure substance to drink. Water is a helpful solution in a society that is subject to the “increasing consumption of fast foods and soft drinks” as Weintraub explains.  Bad eating habits are spreading rapidly, proving that there is a need to call child obesity a state of emergency. Because children continue to make unhealthy decisions the fast food companies are becoming a social disease.
Moreover, parents are guilty for allowing their children to eat harmful foods. The article indicates that Parents are responsible to discipline and encourage the practice of good eating and excising habits. For example parents have authority and control over the kinds of food the purchase at grocery stores. As Weintraub states “don’t stock soda in the kitchen”. This quotation is significant because it shows that children are the greatest influence in their children’s eating habits. Considering that parents are a major influence and hold tremendous impact on their children parents need to be cautious and evaluate their choices in food decision making. To be exact parents are at fault for overweight children in America today. Others may believe Mc Donald’s is responsible for child obesity. The truth is Mc Donald’s is an option. Teenagers eat there by choice. In essence, parents are responsible to provide children with health fact information, which allows teens to make healthier food choices. Contribute to the “five a day for better health program” to start a healthier life by eating five fruits and vegetables a day.

Anne Bradstreet

Jessica Gomez

                                                                                      Anne Bradstreet
                                                                                                            2581 Godly puritan
                                                                                                            December 25, 1825
                                                                                                            boston, Massachusetts 90065

                                                                                                            William Cullen Bryant
                                                                                                            8954 Nature devotion

Dear Sir William Cullen Bryant
I Anne Bradstreet came across a distinctive poem of yours called “Thanatopsis” But before I begin to share thy thoughts regarding your poem. I will say I too am a poet, a puritan poet to be precise. As a puritan I was taken upon your failure to refer to God.  Expressing Natures might to aid the injured soul and effectuate joy. You say Nature speaks multiple languages, yet so does God. I’m astonished by your neglect to God. We shall not trust in nature, but in God who protects and unquestionably holds a place for us in heaven. It is he that created thee and nature that you speak so highly of. Is it that you have no faith in God that you choose to set your faith in nature?
God is unfailing and beneficial just as your deciphering for nature. For your level of importance does not matter, in your grave you’ll have nothing to flatter, engaging in a dirt battle, God will be your only savior. According to you Earth is a big tomb, but should it be the focus? We are aware death awaits through different ways approaches. Being part of nature should not be our concern but the afterlife and our acceptance to heaven. I agree with you in the sense that we shall not fear death, for it is always near. But unlike you becoming part of earth is not something I anticipate. There is something greater than lingering underground and being stepped on. God that is that holds a place for us in heaven.
I understand a few may get lost in their entry to heaven because of their misplacement of faith. In your understanding nature converts itself to bring happiness through different circumstances or situations. Only God is competent to bring joy or allow other organisms to inflict joy for that matter such as nature. Just remember endless happiness lies in God.  
             Anne Bradstreet