Friday, May 27, 2011

Letter of Intent

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp

I am Human. I realize that I live in a world that is dominated by men. I, who may be just as intelligent and capable as any other man, will be discriminated against.  I am not a teen willing to accept a role pre-determined for me by society, but instead someone striving to prove otherwise. By otherwise I mean a person willing to take obligations that challenge my abilities in order to reach my full potential. I choose to be a feminist not only because I am a women myself but because I aspire to be a good role model to my younger siblings. There is surely some else bond to have the same aspirations and goals as I, but I believe I have a distinctive set of qualities that allow me to prosper, that is my passion to excel. These are not my dreams, but in fact hopes and aspirations, wishes and joys, A hope for all humanity. A dream that one day we will all live in acceptance. Integration is key to a successful environment. The day when we begin to accept each other and our differences is the day the world will achieve its greatest accomplishments. Diversity creates more than just a wide range of knowledge; it creates a wide range of perspectives. I was raised by a single mother, with my dad in and out of my life. At a young age I became an independent lady. I was forced to grow up fast and took mother like and father like responsibilities. Today I am thankful for the struggles and pains for they have helped me become a strong individual. I believe my past is a significant contribution to my purpose in life. I see myself as a leader and a person in authority. I present myself as someone who is driven to break any existing boundaries set against women to get closer to a world that no longer discriminates. Dreams were meant for dreaming. I’m a person who likes to take action. Will you “Dare to Dream Dare to make a difference”.

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