Friday, May 27, 2011

Jess resume

Jessica I. Gomez

1521 N Highland Ave
 Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 993-1700

 I would be a great addition to your company because I am natural leader, I have effective communication skills, and enjoy providing assistance for those in need.

Hollywood H.S graduate (June 21, 2011)
Cal State Dominguez Hills (September 2011)
-Criminal Justice

(Summer Job) Challenger’s boys and girls club
(Volunteer) Feminist Majority Foundation (433 South Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212)
Explorer’s program (77th police department)
Leadership Member (Lou Dantzler Charter H.S)                    
Hood Games Art club member (Central H.S #9 “vapa”)
Beach cleanup (Venice beach)
Aids Walk (2010)

Varsity softball (Hollywood H.S)
All Star softball Game (June 1, 2011)


Man's world

Letter of Intent

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp

I am Human. I realize that I live in a world that is dominated by men. I, who may be just as intelligent and capable as any other man, will be discriminated against.  I am not a teen willing to accept a role pre-determined for me by society, but instead someone striving to prove otherwise. By otherwise I mean a person willing to take obligations that challenge my abilities in order to reach my full potential. I choose to be a feminist not only because I am a women myself but because I aspire to be a good role model to my younger siblings. There is surely some else bond to have the same aspirations and goals as I, but I believe I have a distinctive set of qualities that allow me to prosper, that is my passion to excel. These are not my dreams, but in fact hopes and aspirations, wishes and joys, A hope for all humanity. A dream that one day we will all live in acceptance. Integration is key to a successful environment. The day when we begin to accept each other and our differences is the day the world will achieve its greatest accomplishments. Diversity creates more than just a wide range of knowledge; it creates a wide range of perspectives. I was raised by a single mother, with my dad in and out of my life. At a young age I became an independent lady. I was forced to grow up fast and took mother like and father like responsibilities. Today I am thankful for the struggles and pains for they have helped me become a strong individual. I believe my past is a significant contribution to my purpose in life. I see myself as a leader and a person in authority. I present myself as someone who is driven to break any existing boundaries set against women to get closer to a world that no longer discriminates. Dreams were meant for dreaming. I’m a person who likes to take action. Will you “Dare to Dream Dare to make a difference”.

Life's true meaning

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp
                                                                        Life’s True Meaning

            In the United States, American citizens are expected to live a life consumed by obligations, schedules, and routines. In the book “Into the Wild” by John Krakauer, the main character Christopher McCandless refused to conform to these ideals. As a result McCandless “hitchhiked to Alaska…gave $25,000 in saving to charity…abandoned most of his possessions…and burned all the cash on his wallet.” This was the start of his new journey.
            McCandless set out to Alaska to devote himself to the absolute beauty of nature. He believed life had more to offer, more than materialistic things such as fancy cars, woman, and money. McCandless was a Romantic, a person who admired and worshiped nature. He believed the greatest blessings were not appreciated. Therefore, he left everything behind to explore and cherish the beauty of life founded in nature. McCandless went into the wilderness “not to escape but to find reality.” However, others like Shawn Carlarman believed McCandless “had no business going to Alaska with his silliness” but in fact McCandless was at peace. He went “into the wild” with hardly anything but the vulnerability of his freewill.
McCandless was in search of serenity, a sense of absolute freedom. He states “how I feed myself is none the governments business. Fuck their stupid rules.” This shows that McCandless had no desire in being controlled. He wanted freedom in every sense of the word. He believed nature was a spiritual and therapeutic retreat that allowed individuals to connect with their soul and true identity. By true identity, I mean, a persons characteristics, thoughts, and dreams, not a person’s background, name, or accomplishments.
McCandless found the idea of contributing to societies corruption and evil repulsive. He believed a person’s value is not measured by their success but by their noble intentions. He states “It is the experiences, the memories, and the great triumphant joy of living to the fullest extend in with real meaning is found” This shows McCandless state of mind and his thoughts based on what he considers to be significant in a person’s existence. McCandless encourage people to chase their dreams and follow their calling. He attempted to convince the world that we must bless ourselves and not give in to the government’s manipulation and deception. Many people, like Shawn Carlarman may believe “McCandless made a lot of mistakes based on this arrogance” but in fact he was Courageous. Brave to stand by his ideas and go to Alaska on his own.
Giving yourself to something absolute, trusting your ideas, and following your dreams is a conscious decision that an abounding number of people have difficulty achieving. Christopher McCandless should be honored for his drive and determination, for he was rare and courageous; a man that understood the true meaning of being alive; a man who lived and died by his ideals.

Eating responsibly

Jessica Gomez
Expo Comp
Eating responsibly

                Our nation has expanded in the production of fast food and processed food. Today according to Michael Pollan “our entire food supply has undergone a process of “cornification””. This means that most of your byproducts contain corn. Although corn has it nutrients, too much can lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes. But because almost all of byproducts contain corn it impossible to maintain a healthy diet. Wendell Berry would disagree. He states “eating is an agricultural act” Berry believes we can eat healthy if we follow his list of seven tips.
 Berry’s tips consist of participating in food production, preparing your food, learn the origins of the food you buy, when possible, deal directly with a local farmer, and learn as much as you can of the economy and technology of industrial food production. He includes that we must also learn what is involved in the best farming and gardening and observe plus experience life’s histories of food. However, following these tips do not necessary mean that we improve our eating habits or eat responsibly. It simply helps us be aware of the junk we consume. Knowing how or where food comes does not mean we can change the way our food is processed.
Berry adds “For vegetables grown in huge monocultures are dependent on toxic chemicals-just as animals in close confinement are dependent on antibiotics and other drugs.” Acknowledging that our foods may be contaminated Berry insist that there is yet a way to eat responsibly. Does he mean to not eat at all? Sure, I can take extreme measures and learn the origin of my product, but knowing the source does not mean I can change the quality of my food.
There is a high demand for corn around the world because it’s cheap. “Taxpayers will pay farmers $4 billion a year to grow ever more corn” according to Pollan. Due to the industrial food economy that is more concerned with volume and price, consuming products have become a matter of “Eat at your own risk”. However, other‘s may believe that there are organic or natural products still available that will not damage or harm your body. This may be true, the question is: how much are you willing to spend on healthier food? Or do you have time to prepare a healthy meal?
 Discovering the origin of food does not mean we can eat responsibly. It means we are responsible for what we eat. Therefore, it is important to modify eating habits and rely on the purist substance, water.

Fast food

Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp                                                                                                                                         
Fast-food parents

                In the article “The Battle against Fast Food Begins in the Home” by Daniel Weintraub, He believes parents are responsible for teaching kids healthy eating and exercising habits.  Are you a victim of fast food consumption? Weintraub’s theory is correct because teenagers have filed lawsuits blaming Mc Donald’s for their health problems, a public group asked the governor to declare childhood obesity a state of emergency and therefore parents are to blame for allowing children to eat unhealthy foods.
For example the article reminds us that parents can get arrested for leaving a loaded weapon near children. Furthermore, this example indicates that parents are ultimately responsible for their children’s safety, which also correlates with the safety of children’s health. Daniel Weintraub tells us that teenagers need to stop “increasingly blaming the fast food industry”. This shows that parents have failed to educate teens about healthy food choices and proves that’s parents are not taking responsibility for their duties. Parents should consider health education an important value.
            Teenagers are suing Mc Donald’s for their health problems; this is because teens believe Mc Donald’s is the cause of their health issues. Not recognizing that the parents are at fault for failing to inform them of fast food information from the start. Teenagers are filing lawsuit’s because the conceive Mc Donald’s to be the source of their health issues. For example because food is available, it does not make it good for you. Similarly, in Weintraub’s words “the availability of junk food on campus, advertising of junk food to children and their families “is large and makes it easy for children to make unhealthy decisions. Meaning we are surrounded by unhealthy foods that is not within our control. Yet, we still have the power to make the healthiest decision and ensure our teens do the same. This means it effective for parents to provide their children with healthy food information but most importantly set the example.
Due to the increase of child obesity a public organization in California asked the governor to declare childhood obesity a state of emergency. This law was made to ensure school water fountains existed and functioned. For example, with dysfunctional water fountains children do not have a reliable pure substance to drink. Water is a helpful solution in a society that is subject to the “increasing consumption of fast foods and soft drinks” as Weintraub explains.  Bad eating habits are spreading rapidly, proving that there is a need to call child obesity a state of emergency. Because children continue to make unhealthy decisions the fast food companies are becoming a social disease.
Moreover, parents are guilty for allowing their children to eat harmful foods. The article indicates that Parents are responsible to discipline and encourage the practice of good eating and excising habits. For example parents have authority and control over the kinds of food the purchase at grocery stores. As Weintraub states “don’t stock soda in the kitchen”. This quotation is significant because it shows that children are the greatest influence in their children’s eating habits. Considering that parents are a major influence and hold tremendous impact on their children parents need to be cautious and evaluate their choices in food decision making. To be exact parents are at fault for overweight children in America today. Others may believe Mc Donald’s is responsible for child obesity. The truth is Mc Donald’s is an option. Teenagers eat there by choice. In essence, parents are responsible to provide children with health fact information, which allows teens to make healthier food choices. Contribute to the “five a day for better health program” to start a healthier life by eating five fruits and vegetables a day.

Anne Bradstreet

Jessica Gomez

                                                                                      Anne Bradstreet
                                                                                                            2581 Godly puritan
                                                                                                            December 25, 1825
                                                                                                            boston, Massachusetts 90065

                                                                                                            William Cullen Bryant
                                                                                                            8954 Nature devotion

Dear Sir William Cullen Bryant
I Anne Bradstreet came across a distinctive poem of yours called “Thanatopsis” But before I begin to share thy thoughts regarding your poem. I will say I too am a poet, a puritan poet to be precise. As a puritan I was taken upon your failure to refer to God.  Expressing Natures might to aid the injured soul and effectuate joy. You say Nature speaks multiple languages, yet so does God. I’m astonished by your neglect to God. We shall not trust in nature, but in God who protects and unquestionably holds a place for us in heaven. It is he that created thee and nature that you speak so highly of. Is it that you have no faith in God that you choose to set your faith in nature?
God is unfailing and beneficial just as your deciphering for nature. For your level of importance does not matter, in your grave you’ll have nothing to flatter, engaging in a dirt battle, God will be your only savior. According to you Earth is a big tomb, but should it be the focus? We are aware death awaits through different ways approaches. Being part of nature should not be our concern but the afterlife and our acceptance to heaven. I agree with you in the sense that we shall not fear death, for it is always near. But unlike you becoming part of earth is not something I anticipate. There is something greater than lingering underground and being stepped on. God that is that holds a place for us in heaven.
I understand a few may get lost in their entry to heaven because of their misplacement of faith. In your understanding nature converts itself to bring happiness through different circumstances or situations. Only God is competent to bring joy or allow other organisms to inflict joy for that matter such as nature. Just remember endless happiness lies in God.  
             Anne Bradstreet

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pet love

                Jessica Gomez
                Expo comp

Pet love

In the United States Americana spend nineteen billion dollars a years on veterinary care. How far should pet owners go for their pets? In the articles “The Last Meow” by Burkhard Bilger, He believes “our love affair with our pets has gotten out of control”. Bilger is incorrect. There should not be any restrictions or limitations that prevent Americans from helping or providing our pets with the best assistance. To most Americans pets are not just pets; they are much more than that. A pet is someone’s best friend, sibling, and even child in a non literal sense. The superfluous amount of money that goes to pet’s shows how pet owners accede to invest their money for the well being of their pets.
            Scheduling an appointment for your pet to receive a root canal, chemotherapy, or maybe an organ transplant to ensure your pets health are the measures Americans are willing to take for their beloved creatures. Many people may find these measures ridiculous and believe pets just a pleasant distraction or safety alarm, but there’s a deeper connection. Initially many pet owners can admit that they decided to have possession of a pet for protection purposes such as a dog. Without warning these pet owners are helpless in escaping the genuine affection their pets will emit making it easy for Americans to view their pets as a member of their family; an organism that transmits joy and love.
            Because of this unconditional love pets transmit, Americans find it difficult to set limitations on their pets. However, not all Americans treat their pets with the proper manner. There are various cases of animal cruelty and mistreatment. On the other hand, according to the American Hospital association sixty three percent of pet owners say “I love you” to their pets every day. With love being involved, many will risk everything or take extreme measures for whatever it is that they love. This means the greater the love Americans have for their pets, the more they are willing to spend or invest on them.
            Americans have personal connections with their pets not only because they attain” personalities, intelligence, and feelings” but also because of particular circumstances or events. For example, families that cannot have children may adopt a pet as a substitution for a child. This would help the couple fulfill and fatherly or motherly instincts. The role of a pet has drastically expanded and it shows the abounding number of veterinary treatment.
            For those like Bilger who believe that maybe we have gone too far for our pets and that “our love affair with pets has gotten out of control” they should realize that our pets are much more than just pets, they are family.

Looks over smarts

Jessica Gomez
Expo comp

Looks over smarts

In the article “Going for the look, but risking discrimination” by Steven Greenhouse, Greenhouse exposes the primary strategies American retailers use in order to increase their sales. This strategy puts emphasis on strictly hiring people who are only considered attractive. Do you believe hiring based on looks in morally correct? A senior industry analyst with the NPD group, Marshal Cohen says “ retailers defend the approach to hiring based on image as necessary and smart, and industry experts see the point” This means retailers more concerned with their business sales instead of being fair. Hiring based on looks is wrong because companies are discriminating against people who do not portray a certain look. In addition, focusing on a particular look can hurt people’s feeling and individuals with retail experience are unable to demonstrate their skills.
            Companies that hire based on looks discriminate against those who do not have that certain look. The director of the Los Angeles office of equal employment opportunity commission, Olophius Perry states “If you’re hiring by looks, then you can run into problems of race discrimination, national origin discrimination, gender discrimination, age discrimination and even disability discrimination” This quotation is significant because it indicates that hiring people that are considered attractive is discriminating against those who are considered otherwise.
Businesses are wrong for hiring people that look a certain way, disregarding their intellect or work experience. A manager from Abercrombie, Mr. Serrano was told “If someone came in who had lots of retail experience and not a pretty face, we were told not to hire them at all”. This shows that companies are only interested in searching for good-looking people.
However, many may find it appealing to shop at stores with attractive people, it is important to project diversity. Diversity creates a healthier environment by giving people the same opportunities regardless of their appearance.
Focusing on a particular look also affects up coming generations by manipulating their perception of beauty. For example Donna Harper states “ The problem with all this image stuff is it just reeks of marketing for this white-bread, Northern European, thin, wealthy, fashion-model look” This quotation provides a clear image of the expectations required to work for these companies. Although others may believe hiring based on looks is a smart business approach, this method can hurt people’s feelings. Not only is this personally harmful, but it is unfair for talented and hard working individuals.

Man's world essay

Jessica Gomez
December 6, 2010
Senior Project                                                                                                                                                                                   
“Man’s world”
Discrimination can best be defined as the process of setting out or excluding someone because of race, gender, or other differences. Initially when one thinks of discrimination the image that comes to mind is race. This injustice also affects genders, people with different sexual orientations, and the socio-economic status of individuals. One of the forms that affects me personally is discrimination against women in the workplace.
Being regarded to as “weak”, “emotional”, or “fragile” are double standards. A double standard is a set of principles that have various provisions and restrictions to a certain group of people. This is an injustice because it limits most women to a certain job. Women are forced to conform to the idea that a women is subject to menial labor such as housewives, low-level business positions, and secretarial duties. These confined restrictions make advancing or taking higher level positions difficult for women.
 On the contrary, others believe the “glass ceiling” has been broken. The glass ceiling refers to a figurative ceiling that describes the inability of qualified minorities and women to advance to upper management positions. It is used to describe the sexist attitudes women are faced with at the workforce. However, I have concluded that society discriminates by design. A nation founded to men is a nation catered to men.

Inequality: the condition of being unequal. Men and women who are treating differently based on their gender.
The glass ceiling: refers to a figurative ceiling that describes the inability of qualified minorities and women to advance to upper management positions. The glass ceiling is used to describe the sexist attitudes women are faced with at the workforce.
Sexism: is a form of discrimination based on gender. This act also affects men, intersexual, and transsexuals that struggle with gender roles or identities.
Prejudice: An unreasonable opinion or feeling towards someone beforehand without acknowledgement. Intolerance of or dislike people to a specific race, religion or gender. An irrational attitude of hostility directed against a certain group of individuals.

For my senior project I received help and support from my mentor and teacher’s that were interested in my topic. I participated and worked on an archival project for the “Feminist Majority Foundation” this is a feminist organization that focuses on political, economic and social equality for women. This exclusive foundation provided me with issues and articles affecting women for the past two centuries that were directly related to my topic.
 My topic concentrates on the double standard against women in the work place. My research includes the history and misconceptions brought upon women. I provided supporting evidence from the most publicized movement dealing with this issue. My research described the significance of Queen Elizabeth to the “women suffrage movement”. I explained the significance of Queen Elizabeth. I indicated how the “women’s suffrage movement” allowed women to work today and events such as these that helped shape our society. I inserted quotations from important women activist and mentioned a respected leader named Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
 I created a survey at that consisted of six questions that were related to my topic. 1. Is there discrimination towards women? 2. Are women still being neglected in the workforce? 3. Do you think there has been progress in women roles? 4. Do you think men contribute to the progress of women placement? 5. Do you think discrimination towards women can be eliminated? 6. Do you think mothers are less likely to obtain a job? I distributed my survey to fifty participants in a school compass. This survey was formatted in a yes or no bubble response.
 After I collected my data I examined the results. I presented common beliefs and the expectations women were subjected to. I addressed issues affecting women today for example single parent mothers in search of job opportunities. I used Warren Farrell, an author of many books as an example for my counter argument. Here I discussed the assumptions formed towards women and women who went against what was considered the norm. I explained the concept of the Glass ceiling and provided data from U.S labor statistics.
Women Rights
This double standard usually comes without merit. It can be recently traced to the “women’s suffrage movement” as early as the 1800’s. In the beginning form, when a women had went against the double standard she would become a tainted object. In order to compete with the uproar of male superiority women had to gain the right to vote. They understood the right to vote would give them access to equal educational opportunities. The women power struggle has existed as early as the beginning of life found in the biblical story of genesis.

The era of Queen Elizabeth of England was particularly significant because she was an icon during a time where women were looked down upon. She ruled a country effectively for 45 years which caused an uprising in women rights around the world. For her to remain in control and strong she chose not to marry. She believed marriage would distract her from her duties. On the other hand, her supporters counseled that her only hope was for her to marry quickly and lean on her husband for support. Elizabeth was a survivor of scandal and danger. But, Elizabeth had other ideas. She ran her country for almost half a century. She demonstrated to the world that a woman is certainly capable of being a powerful and a dominant figure.
             An additional leader was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the first women rights convention organizer. Stanton stated “Because women and men are the complement of one another, we need women’s thought in national affairs to make a stable government”. This indicates that a government of men and women is better than a government ran by men alone. This also advocates equality in the democratic system.
Women received their break when the nineteenth amendment was ratified. This act granted women the right to vote. Unfortunately for men, the turn of the century allowed women to teach in facilities and earn a living. During this era a superfluous amount of women were actively involved in women’s clubs and social reform. Women began to take new roles and expand their horizons. Yet living and working conditions were still unfair and complicated. Although the women employment drastically increased they were denied high level positions and received significantly lower incomes compared to men.
Emily Pegues, a women activist states “Women were not expected to harbor higher aspirations other than acquisition of a husband, a family, and a home” imprinting a clear image of the role women were acceded to. This shows the limited range of a potentially smart productive lady. By the early nineteen century both men and women participated in reform movements that questioned women neglect. They were called suffragists. The “women’s suffrage movement” is known as the event that gave women their break. Here the convention intentionally adopted the “declaration of principles” that stated “we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal…” attempting to gain women rights state by state in all 50 states. The era never passed, today there are still countries were women are not allowed to vote. This shows the occurring power imbalance.

Single parent mothers
Today in the 21st century with the national economic depression it has become a necessity for women to work. According to the “custodial mothers and fathers and their child support; 2007 released by the U.S Census Bureau in 2009;” approximately 84 percent of custodial parents are mothers leading the remaining 16 percent of custodial parents to be fathers. An exceptional factor such as being a single parent inflicts concern because of the continuation of double standard towards women in work place. These statistics show that women continue to be victims of discrimination. According to the “Bureau of Labor Statistics” women working more than 60 hours per week earn 78.3 percent of what men earn in the same category”. Warren Farrell, an author of many books attempts to justify to why women tend to earn less than men. He states “ men receive higher wages because they accept riskier jobs due to the idea that women like to keep a balance between their house hold and career where as men are strictly focused on their careers”. However, there are various provisions and misconceptions about women and in today’s society that are not necessarily true. What about those women who are not interested in what is considered the norm? By norm, I mean women not living up to the expected standard forced upon women. For example, women who decide not to get married or have children, women who are firmly focused on their careers. It is wrong and unfair for those women to be subjected to low placement jobs because premeditated predictions or misconceptions of them being weak. Despite the fact that women continue to be discriminated against, there has been immense progress in women roles. A major event that broke many boundaries was when the first women, Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2008. This presidency created a lot of controversy. Triggered questions such as, can a woman run the United States of America? We have yet to find out.

 The chauvinistic ideals about women still exist today and were founded by stereotypes that adults from past generations have not persevered through. It has been proven for men to receive higher earnings than women that work in the same position.  In the “wall street” journal presents information about the exact meaning of the glass ceiling. According to authors of the wall street journal the word “ceiling” implies that women are blocked from advancing in professions. The glass ceiling is a ceiling based on attitudinal or organized bias in the workforce that prevents minorities and women from advancing to leadership position. The glass ceiling suggests that men and women are just as capable. Additionally, the people in power which are majority men refuse to provide women with quality or high level jobs. The bias toward women also affects their income and job benefits. Discriminating because of gender is ignorant, and ignorance is not bliss. A particular gender does not have any magical talents than another. Therefore, it is pathetic to concentrate on the bases of sex. Employment should be determined by those who are skilled or talented not by those who are male or female.
 In attempts to disguise what is evident, discrimination, experts use excuses such as lack of experience and skills when in fact women are overlooked because of the double standard and the fact that we are living in a “Mans World”. I anticipate the day when we live in a nation where “all men and women are created equal” because integration is key to a successful environment. I anticipate the day when no one views themselves as males or females but as individuals. I anticipate the day when no men or women are hired under false pretenses but by the quality of their work or the content of their paper.


* 1. Is there discrimination towards women?

* 2.
Are women still being neglected in the workforce?

3. do you think there has been progress in women roles?

* 4. Do you think men contribute in the progress in women placement?

* 5. Do you think discrimination towards women can be eliminated?

6. Do you think mothers are less likely to obtain a job?

 In my survey titled views on women discrimination in the workforce 63 percent of women believed there is occurring bias toward female employees. This proves my predictions were correct. Regardless of a woman’s qualification they are instantly judged by common beliefs traced from historic times. Many men believe women should not have any other obligations other than those of a housewife. For those unfamiliar with the term “house wife” it refers to a married women who manages her own household. In question number one “Is there discrimination towards women in the workforce?” 55percent of people voted yes meaning a little over half of participates potentially agree with my topic. In question two “Do you believe women are still being neglected in the workforce?” 80 percent of people stated no. This shows that men and women are receiving the same opportunities. In question number three “Do you think there has been progress in women roles today?” a high number of 92 percent said yes. This indicates over the years women placement has expanded.
In the forth question “Do you think men contribute in the progress of women?” 88 percent of participates answered yes meaning men hold major power in the roles of women. In question fifth question “Do you think gender discrimination can be eliminated?” 42 percent of people answered no. This percentage suggests that individuals that continue to have strong opinions regarding women duties. In the sixth question “Do you think mothers are less likely to receive a job?” 60 percent of participants answered yes. This indicates women that have mother like responsibilities and are preferred at home.

Work Cited
 Mckay, Dawn. "Women Face Glass Ceiling in Hiring." Career Planning - Career Planning Guide. Web. 06 Dec. 2010. <>.
Month, By. "Employment Situation Summary." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. <>.

Pegues, Emily. ""Great Expectations": The Impact of Education on Women's Roles in Society." About Sweet Briar College | Sweet Briar College. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. <>.
"Men's Voices on Women's Issues." Women's History - Comprehensive Women's History Research Guide. Web. 07 Dec. 2010. <>.

"The Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States." Essortment Articles: Free Online Articles on Health, Science, Education & More.. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. <>.

Strauss, Erica. "The Glass Ceiling: Women and Barriers in the Workplace." Associated Content from Yahoo! - Web. 03 Dec. 2010.

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